PreOp Diet Class
This class is run by our bariatric dietitian Angela Askew. Watching this video is essential to learn about the preop fat-shrinking diet that will make the your weight loss operation safer and more successul.
Becasue of the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines we recorded the class and uploaded to Youtube. You don't need to register or download any software and you can watch the video from your PC, tablet or mobile phone.
You will learn the following:
1. Preop diet: Optifast and its alternatives. 2. Postop dietary stages
3. Troubleshooting any problems with postop intake
4. Importance of protein and multivitamins
5. Tools that will help you on your journey.
If you have any questions after watching the video then please email our dietitian Angela Askew
You can download the slides of this presentation as a PDF document by clicking here.
You can download the PreOp diet and the PostOp diet handouts that goes with presenatation as a PDF document by clicking here.